About Us

Hey there, My name is Ryan Lassner. I am 15 years old and reside in Los Angeles, CA. This project is fueled by my belief that all people, regardless of economic status, should be provided with a great education no matter where social stratification puts them. I go to an elite private school, so your question may be, “why do you care about this?” My response would be that because I have this privilege and opportunity for my voice to be heard, I should use it to speak up for those who are not given this same amount of opportunity.

Mission Statement

The Jules Project is a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, California. Our goal is to raise awareness for the equity of public schools in Los Angeles and across the United States. Through raising awareness on our site, and attempting to create the Julies L. Lassner scholarship, we hope to help those who cannot spend tens of thousands of dollars on private schooling each year, to still get a prestigious education regardless of social stratification.